
Specific Procurement Notice26.12.2024Specific Procurement Notice -extension12.12.2024Notification of Contract Award18.11.2024Specific Procurement Notice15.11.2024Contract-Award23.10.2024Contract-Award23.10.2024Specific Procurement Notice FOR WORKS23.08.2024REOI TOR for Capacity Building-extension23.07.2024Specific Procurement Notice FOR WORKS18.07.2024SUPERVISION OF REHABILITATION OF WORKS FOR RADONIQI – DUKAGJINI IRRIGATION SCHEME09.07.2024CAPACITY BUILDING TO INCREASE WATER USE EFFICIENCY AND AGRICULTURE PRODUCTIVITY09.07.2024KËRKESË PËR SHPREHJE TË INTERESIT - PROJEKTI PËR BUJQËSI DHE ZHVILLIM RURAL (KARDP)03.08.2022Invitation for Bids - Purchase of IT Equipment’s for MAFRD staff 23.03.2022KËRKESË PËR SHPREHJE TË INTERESIT - PLANI I GATISHMËRISË EMERGJENTE DHE ANALIZA HIDROLOGJIKE17.08.2021NOTIFICATION - Due to the end-of-year holidays, we inform you that the deadline for submission of the tender KARP- G-15.1 Wheel Excavator with a backhoe loader for maintenance of Radoniqi - Dukagjini Irrigation Scheme is extended until February 08, 2021 at 11: - Due to the end-of-year holidays, we inform you that the deadline for submission of the tender KARP- G-18 Dam Safety Instruments is extended until February 11, 2021 at 11: for Bids - DAM SAFETY INSTRUMENTS FOR RADONIQI DAM15.12.2020SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE
Purchase of Excavator- backhoe loader for maintenance of Radoniqi-Dukagjini Irrigation Scheme
Wheel Excavator and backhoe loader for Radoniqi - Dukagjini Irrigation Scheme
CANCELATION OF PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE - Procedure of Laboratory equipment for the Kosovo Institute for Agriculture (KIA) 26.11.2020SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE - Purchase of Trucks and Pickups for maintenance of Radoniqi - Dukagjini Irrigation Scheme16.04.2020SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE - Purchase of Trucks and Pickups for maintenance of Radoniqi - Dukagjini Irrigation Scheme25.02.2020Purchase of Excavators for maintenance of Radoniqi-Dukagjini Irrigation Scheme05.02.2020NJOFTIM PËR ANKAND PUBLIK PËR SHITJEN E DEMAVE13.12.2019SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE - Purchase of IT Equipments for PIU, MA, PA and advisory staff of municipalities08.11.2019REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - Public Awareness Campaign05.11.2019SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE - Rehabilitation Works in the Radoniqi - Dukagjini Irrigation Scheme01.11.2019Agriculture and Rural Development Project (KARDP)18.09.2019SHPALLJE PUBLIKE - Për dhënien e tokës bujqësore dhe pyjore me qira10.03.2018REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - Training of Potential Applicants for applying to grant programs15.11.2017REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - Feasibility Study for the Rehabilitation Works in the Radoniqi- Dukagjini Irrigation Scheme13.02.2017SHPALLJE PUBLIKE - Për dhënien e tokës bujqësore me qira13.02.2017REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST19.10.2015NJOFTIM PËR ANKAND PUBLIK PËR SHITJEN E DEMAVE29.09.2015Njoftim për anulim të ankandit publik për shitjen e demave21.09.2015Njoftim për shitjen e Demave për therje përmes ankandit publik16.09.2015
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