Department of Advisory and Technical Services

The main activities Department Technical and Advisory Service (DTAS) will be:

1.    Organization, coordination and implementation of all activities of advisory services at the Republic of Kosovo level;
2.    Coordination, organization and support of the municipal informative advisory centers for agriculture and rural development;
3.    Support of municipal advisers to the specialized areas in livestock, plant production, legal issues, gender equal, social and rural development issues;
4.    Drafting of programs and annual plans and midterm plans for advisory services cooperating with the representatives of all informative advisory centres for agriculture and rural development;
5.    Preparation of extension materials, good advisory practices, brochures, leaflets, messages and their distribution through municipal informative advisory centers for agriculture and rural development;
6.    Support the implementation of programs for agriculture and rural development as well as direct payments through providing consultations and distributing all information for programs and for the way of implementation;
7.    Support of the farmers in the specialized area in livestock, plant production, legal issues, gender equal and rural development;
8.    Training of advisors on central and municipal level– general and specialized fields (plant production, animal breeding, economy, marketing, etc);
9.    Training on special methods and communication tools for providing of advice;
10.    Organizing of study visits within Kosovo and outside for exchange of best practice and gaining experience;
11.    Organizing and holding of seminars, demonstrations, agricultural exhibitions, etc;
12.    Proposing policies for advisory services taking into account the national plan on agriculture and rural development and the requests of farmers and community;
13.    Drafting the annual, mid-term and long term plan for advisory service for agriculture and rural development.

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